We’ve seen and heard so many CBD success stories, from decades of experience with animals on my rescue farm and grooming and boarding shops, I know first hand how CBD can change lives. I’ve helped hundreds of animals with CBD and other holistic remedies right here at my rescue farm, and thousands more through our products. Not convinced? Here are some of our favorite CBD success stories!
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CBD Success Story: Odie
My eleven-year-old schnauzer, Odie, is an old man at heart. He always has been. But when he started wobbling and having trouble walking upstairs, I knew the problem was deeper than his grumpy-old-man demeanor.
Odie was suffering from joint pain. Joint pain and stiffness are fairly common in older dogs– specifically pain in the hips, knees, elbows, and tail area. But, the way we think about what causes joint damage and pain has changed.
Veterinarians used to think joint pain was a direct result of wear and tear from years of running and playing. However, recent studies show that joint pain is actually caused by constant inflammation. Inflammation causes more than joint pain: it can also cause gut issues, like IBS, and can exacerbate existing medical conditions. Addressing the root of the problem, inflammation, using holistic methods can help alleviate joint pain.
Odie was given 1 mL of EASE 550 mg Full Spectrum Hemp Extract daily in the morning. He was also given 1 mL of CALM 550 mg Full Spectrum Hemp Extract before a thunderstorm, fireworks, or other loud noise events. Immediately, Odie’s anxiety disappeared. Within one week, Odie was able to walk normally and go up and downstairs again. His inflammation has decreased, leading to better overall health. Odie still takes EASE orally every day for joint pain, inflammation, and allergies, as well as SOOTHE salve for topical allergy relief.
After losing two of my dogs to CCD, canine cognitive dysfunction, which is dementia for dogs, I knew I wanted to do whatever I could to protect Odie from CCD as he aged. Odie was turning 16 soon and I wanted to be able to support him as best as I could.
So I created MycoDog mushroom extract & adaptogen blends for dogs. Clarity was designed to support your dog’s cognitive function, nervous system, mental and emotional health, formulated with a proprietary dual extract of Lion’s Mane, Reishi and Cordyceps, with Bacopa Monnieri and Ashwagandha. After starting Odie on Clarity, I literally watched Odie go from having no interest in eating in his old age, to taking his mushrooms and eating like a monster the next day.
I also created Breathe for Odie, because in his old age he suffered from collapsing trachea, a heart murmur, and CHF, according to his last integrative vet. As he aged, I saw him needing extra cardiovascular and respiratory support. After formulating my MycoDog mushroom blends for dogs, I literally could see a difference in his behavior and health by giving them these mushroom extract & adaptogen blends.
Today Odie, my soul dog, is no longer with us. But thanks to the amazing power of natural medicinal plants & fungi, he lived pain-free well into his senior years.
CBD Success Story: Riley
CBD Success Story: Peanut
CBD Success Story: Pittie’s Ear Tumor
CBD Success Story: Daisy
When Daisy joined us on the Fire Flake Farm, she couldn’t was, was having up to 3 mal seizures a day, and had no hair left on her feet. Along with Daisy, came many prescription drugs.
First things first, we safely weaned her off (with the guidance of a veterinarian) of Phenobarbital and other medications. Next, we put her on a natural CBD regimen and switched her to a fresh and species appropriate, raw diet.
Daisy was given 1 mL of HEAL 1100 mg Full Spectrum Hemp Extract twice daily (in the morning and the evening) and REMEDY Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Salve was applied to her feet every morning.
Within two weeks, Daisy’s feet were no longer red or inflamed and her sores were gone. She also experienced a reduction in the number and duration of her seizures within the first week. Within a month, Daisy was seizure-free and no longer taking any of the prescription medications she had previously been prescribed.
Today Daisy is no longer with us, but thanks to CBD she lived seizure-free for the rest of her golden years.
CBD Success Story: Hannah
“Hannah is a mixed breed shepherd, who was rescued off the streets of Central Florida by Rescue Rebels Cash 4 Canines. Blind, diabetic and sustaining multiple skin issues along with her facial infection, Hannah’s foster family immediately started treating her face with REMEDY salve. Between day one and day 40 Hannah’s skin completely healed. She is thriving!”
CBD Success Story: Olivia
Olivia is 13-years-old and was rescued from Miami-Dade Animal Services about five years ago. When Jennifer rescued Olivia, she noticed some small warts. Jennifer tried to treat them with remedies she found on Amazon but didn’t see any results.
Over the course of five years, warts continued to grow. Olivia also developed a heart murmur and had elevated liver enzymes – both of which gave Jennifer pause when considering putting her under anesthesia to have what doctors felt were cosmetic growths removed. Jennifer tried topical remedies, but warts continued to grow out of control.
Olivia was taken to a vet and tried cryotherapy and prescription medications, which were effective, but both were not viable options to use for a long period of time. Jennifer was concerned that continuing the path of traditional medicine would cause more harm than good to her sweet pup. At the suggestion of a friend, Jennifer decided to try CBD Dog Health’s REMEDY salve. She was amazed to see the growths begin to shrink within three days of using CBD.
Olivia’s tumors were cleaned daily with hydrogen peroxide and water and REMEDY Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Salve was applied topically to each growth twice per day. Olivia also received 1 mL of HEAL Full Spectrum Hemp Extract orally once-per-day in the morning.
“It’s no exaggeration… There was visually a difference within three days,” says Jennifer. “They turn black and just fall off. If I hadn’t seen it myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. I tried for five years to heal these and had no luck until now.” Olivia continues to take HEAL orally and REMEDY topically daily and her owner reports that the largest tumor has continued to shrink.
CBD Success Story: Betsey
“Our darling 14 year old poodle mix has battled mast cell cancer in her mammary glands for the past 3 years.. she’s had 2 major operations in 2 years and when I felt another mass growing in July, I decided to try CBD.
After 3.5 weeks the once very sizable mass has noticeably shrunk! So far this duo appears to be working. I’m encouraged :)”
– Elizabeth H
CBD Success Story: Tucker
Arthritis is probably the most common age-related ailment we see in our pets. Using FSHE in the form of our EASE tincture for dogs with arthritis is incredibly beneficial and safe. With the added benefit of frankincense and turmeric this tincture has a broad range of therapeutic potentials. Full spectrum hemp extract with naturally occurring CBD works synergistically with these two herbs to achieve a powerful pain and inflammation relieving effects for dogs with arthritis.
CBD Success Story: Lua
Billy’s dog, Lua, was one of the first senior dogs I helped support with CBD … So I asked Billy to share with us how Lua’s CBD journey started with HEAL Tincture, how they tailored her dose and how she’s doing now.
“We were working with our local vet because Lua had a minor biceps injury. She recommended that we make some changes at home and consider CBD to help. So I reached out to Angela and we started with a higher dosage of the HEAL tincture and it worked.
It was funny at first because she was just in bed staring at the wall … but then she was running and galloping and feeling great. She wasn’t worried about the pain and recovering. Once we knew she was feeling well, with your guidance we were able to find the right maintenance dose. I don’t use supplements but I do use foods for healing … and I like that CBD is a food medicine we’ve been able to add.”
I believe that we should all follow the saying, “Let food be thy medicine”. This is especially true as we work with our aging pets that have more deficiencies. Lua now happily eats a tailored senior diet along with her tailored senior CBD dosing. This provides her with the support she needs to live a happy senior life.
CBD Success Story: Miss Daisie
Meet our other daisy, Miss Daisie. This lovely 14-year-old came to my rescue farm with very poor health! With a massive mast cell tumor on her back and just above her tail, she could barely use her hind legs.
She was given 1 ml of EASE Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (CBD) in the morning and 1 1/3 ml of HEAL Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (CBD) in the night. We also applied REMEDY Full Spectrum CBD Salve directly to the tumor on her back twice a day.
Next, Daisy’s tumor shrank significantly! Her tumor decreased by one third just within the first month. Also during that month, the growth popped, oozed and completely detached from the spinal area. Yes, it was gross! But you do what you got to do to make sure our fur babies are happy.
Then, four months later – NO MORE TUMOR! Daisy started swimming again, barking, jumping, and loving life.
Today, Miss Daisie is no longer with us. We sadly lost her to CCD, canine cognitive dysfunction in her golden years. After her passing, I learned more about the powers of medicinal mushrooms, and knowing the power of Lion’s Mane and Reishi mushrooms for dogs, I knew what they could do for geriatric dogs like Miss Daisie.
So I launched MycoDog mushrooms for dogs, a line of sustainable mushroom extract & adaptogen blends. One of the three tinctures I formulated was Clarity. Clarity was designed to support your dog’s cognitive function, nervous system, mental and emotional health, formulated with a proprietary dual extract of Lion’s Mane, Reishi and Cordyceps, with Bacopa Monnieri and Ashwagandha.
Our pets’ only way to relieve their itchy skin is to constantly lick, bite, scratch, or rub their bodies on anything they can to get relief. So many of our customers’ pets have found relief from their constant itching, licking and subsequent hair loss by using a Full Spectrum Hemp Extract tincture, like our Ease tincture.
Many pet parents have also loved using our EASE tincture and SOOTHE salve together, which we call our “Allergy Duo“. When used in combination with one another, the internal benefits of a Full Spectrum Hemp Extract like our EASE tincture, combined with the topical benefits of our SOOTHE salve, can achieve wonderful results that bring such amazing relief for our pets:
CBD Success Story: Bruce
Bruce is a 9-year-old pug with IVDD (constrictive myelopathy specifically). Bruce’s spinal cord issues have caused him many issues, most notably hind limb ataxia and neurogenic bladder, which means Bruce can no longer urinate on his own, so Krysta, the owner, has to catheterize him every day.
Bruce has the heart of a lion, nothing stops him. But in late 2019, Bruce developed another issue. To this day the exact cause of the issue is unknown. Bruce will have episodes of massive muscle activity in his hind limbs, where he is essentially running with his back legs, but completely unaware mentally of what is happening to his rear end. These muscle activity episodes would last anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours long, and would physically exhaust and confuse Bruce since he didn’t understand why he suddenly warm from exercising. His temperature would increase substantially, even running a fever during these episodes, which was another negative effect.
Lactic acid buildup was also a concern from this vigorous uncontrolled activity. Krysta tried every traditional and natural solution: muscle relaxers, sedatives, nervous system suppressants, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, laser, alpha-stim, and even CBD—you name it she tried it. Yet the spasms were continuing.
Krysta reached out to colleagues in a natural pet health forum, and when I saw the post, I had to reach out. Even though Krysta had already tried another brand of CBD, I was sure that HEAL Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (CBD) Oil would help Bruce. I could tell Krysta was both doubtful and hopeful, but she gave it a shot.
Within two doses of HEAL, Bruce’s spasms ended, for good. Bruce has been on HEAL ever since, and not only does it help keep his spasms at bay, but he also sleeps better and his mobility has improved!
In 2020, my beloved doberman Nina, was diagnosed with canine Osteosarcoma at the age of 8. It is the most common type of bone cancer in dogs, and can affect 1 in every 4 large breed dogs. Unfortunately Osteosarcoma in dogs is highly aggressive and usually proves fatal within 4 months of diagnosis.
April 2020 is when Nina first started to limp, and by May she had developed a noticeable tumor on her wrist. In July 2020 we were given the diagnosis of Osteosarcoma, and were told she’d be gone by the end of the year.
Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, medicinal mushrooms, and medicinal cannabis help my dog without harmful side effects, stressful procedures, trips to the vet—and all at a much lower cost. Nina thrived on a strict treatment regimen including Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, Full Cannabis extract with high THC, mushrooms, and diet.
When Nina was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, I researched the best medicinal mushrooms for dogs to help Nina’s body fight the cancer, and I formulated Vitality with other adaptogenic herbs that make this tincture even more powerful. Vitality was formulated as a mushroom supplement for dogs dealing with Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, Liver issues and Respiratory issues. Vitality is formulated with a proprietary dual extract of Turkey Tail, Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Chaga, Artist Conk and Red Belted Conk, with Astragalus Root and Ashwagandha.
While Nina is no longer with us today, she lived 26 months post diagnosis, and she was beating all records as the longest living doberman with osteosarcoma that was treated holistically, with the use of medicinal mushroom extracts, cannabis extracts, and herbs.
This has been one of the most incredible journeys of my life. I’ve extended my dog’s life 2 years past what was expected and I did it by holistically supporting her body’s immune system with real fresh food and natural fungi & plant medicine!! So I’m on a mission to empower pet parents to take control of their pets’ health—even with a cancer diagnosis.
For those who may not know, I travel and speak all over about the benefits of plant medicine, concentrating on cannabis, other adaptogens and medicinal mushrooms. Next, I’m going to focus on educating people everywhere about what these amazing botanicals can do to help us fight off the BIG C!