Safe Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for your Dog
As a person who loves, trusts, and knows the benefits of holistic remedies, my kitchen is my pharmacy. No really, it is. I have long encouraged the use of turmeric for pets’ (and peoples’) inflammation, and have found that apple cider vinegar is fantastic for a variety of issues from infections and fleas to dandruff.
Contrary to popular belief, organic apple cider vinegar can be a healthy, safe alternative to some of the more invasive flea medications and antibiotics. I call apple cider vinegar nature’s antiseptic. This beautiful, fermented apple potion works by rebalancing the pH, whether it’s being used internally or externally, with strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
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Using AVC
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been claimed to be a miracle cure. Some people believe that ACV can cure cancer or burn belly fat, while the FDA holds its stance that ACV does not have any nutritional value. But, the truth lies somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. ACV has antibacterial and antifungal properties which makes it a great solution for a variety of issues.
Raw Organic ACV can help with:
- Flea infestations
- UTIs
- Skin infections
- Yeast infections
- Ear infections or itchy ears
- Tear stains
- Immune system
This is not an exhaustive list. New uses for apple cider vinegar are being discovered every day. When used in conjunction with other holistic treatments, ACV can pack a punch. ACV creates an acidic environment where yeast cannot grow, and it can kill bacteria.
Depending on your pet’s specific needs, your pet can ingest ACV orally or utilize it topically.
Oral Applications
To remedy itchy skin, fleas, yeast, and urinary tract infections put 1-2 tablespoons of ACV into your dog or cat’s drinking water. It’s important to note that the taste is not fantastic. As a result, you might notice your pet avoiding their water at first, but keep at it. They will get used to the taste. You can adjust and put just a few drops in to start.
Topical Applications
For topical applications, do a 50/50 mix of ACV and purified water. To clean and combat ear infections, this mixture can be put directly onto the ears and rubbed onto irritated areas of the skin.
It’s commonly thought that if a dog has wax or buildup accumulated, they need to be cleaned immediately. But, the recommendation is often misguided. Your dog could be detoxing by removing toxins (the buildup) out of the body via the ears. In these cases, the ears will often clear up without help.
If your dog’s ears appear to be itchy and uncomfortable, that’s when you can step in and try the ACV. Be sure to only wipe the visible portions of the ear. The ear’s internal workings are delicate and can easily be harmed.
I add it to water bowls, bath time, and put it in a sprayer to spray directly on infections. Fleas and ticks HATE the taste and smell of ACV, so putting it in your pet’s water makes your dog’s skin less appealing to fleas, and applying it topically can cause the fleas already on the skin to abandon ship.
Do a 50/50 mix of ACV and purified water with a few drops of lavender or citronella oil, shake up, and spray directly onto the coat to combat fleas.
ACV is a combination of apples and water. Both of which are perfectly safe for dogs and cats to ingest. Because ACV has antibacterial properties, if used too much it can cause some of the good flora in the gut to decrease, so you may want to incorporate a probiotic into your dog’s diet if you notice him having diarrhea or unusual stool.
Always monitor your pet’s reaction to any new treatment, as you may need to use more or less depending on their individual needs. If your dog is already suffering from too much acid, ACV may not help.
ACV works best in conjunction with other holistic methods, like Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD oil. You should always try to get to the root cause of the issue and discuss it with your vet, as environmental or food changes may need to be made.
Final Thoughts
Personally, I consider ACV to be one of the most important tools to have on hand. Instead of turning to an over-the-counter, pharmaceutical antiseptic, I can use something to help the body heal naturally. ACV combined with Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD Oil is even better. When combined, you’re giving your dog’s body the tools it needs to heal. Whether your dog is suffering from itchy ears or just needs an immune boost, ACV and CBD have them covered.
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