.When searching for “Essential Oils for Cats,” it’s easy to get overwhelmed by conflicting information. There’s a lot of debate and misinformation about essential oils and their safety for cats. In this guide, we’ll clear up the big question: “Are essential oils safe for cats?” We’ll also address the safety of popular oils like lavender and eucalyptus, and tackle other common concerns about using essential oils around your feline friends.
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What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils (EOs) are purified and concentrated plant extracts, representing the most potent form of plant-based medicine. These oils are derived from various parts of plants, such as flowers, leaves, bark, and roots, and are known for their intense fragrance and therapeutic properties. The extraction process results in a highly concentrated product, which is why EOs are typically sold in small bottles. Their potency allows them to have powerful effects even in minimal quantities.
How Are Essential Oils Used?
Essential oils are versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications, from cosmetics to cleaning products, offering a natural and safe alternative to synthetic chemicals. They can be diffused into the air to create a fragrant atmosphere, applied topically to the skin, or even ingested internally in certain cases. Due to their therapeutic nature, EOs can help alleviate various ailments, promote relaxation, and support overall well-being.
However, because essential oils are so concentrated, it’s crucial to use them with care, especially around smaller animals like cats. Proper dilution and mindful application are key to ensuring the safe use of essential oils for both humans and pets.
Are Essential Oils Safe for Cats?
Cats do not process chemicals the same way humans and dogs do. So caution is necessary when using many medications and chemicals, including essential oils. While essential oils can offer therapeutic benefits, they must be used carefully around cats due to their unique metabolic processes. Research on the toxicity of essential oils in cats generally shows that harmful effects occur only at large doses, typically 5-10 times more than what is commonly used.
Cats lack the enzyme glucuronosyltransferase, which helps break down certain compounds like phenols found in some essential oils. However, this doesn’t mean cats can’t metabolize these substances; they just do so differently. In some cases, cats may even metabolize certain compounds more efficiently than other species. Ongoing research continues to shed light on how cats process essential oils, highlighting the importance of understanding each cat’s unique biology.
Common Myths About Essential Oils and Cats
There are several common myths surrounding the use of essential oils with cats, particularly regarding their toxicity. For example, it’s widely believed that lavender, citrus, and pine oils are inherently toxic to cats. However, these myths often stem from the use of synthetic oils and lab-developed compounds rather than natural, therapeutic, and medical-grade essential oils.
The idea that all essential oils are dangerous to cats is largely based on misinformation. In reality, when used correctly and in appropriate dilutions, many natural essential oils can be safe for cats. The key is to distinguish between synthetic and pure, high-quality oils. As well as applying them responsibly, considering the specific needs and sensitivities of your cat.
For example, a specific synbiotic called Azodyl introduces bacteria that help break down things like BUN, which cats with kidney disease have trouble with. This introduces the idea that there are ways to work around this notion of absolute conclusions regarding how cats metabolize substances like essential oils. There has been quite a bit of research done on this topic.
Are There Toxic Essential Oils for Cats?
Oddly, we are still debating whether EOs are toxic to cats when in the November 1984 edition of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice – Vol. 14, No. 6; titled Symposium on Advances in Feline Medicine II, Jeff R. Wilcke DVM, MS. said, “Even drugs known for toxicity in cats can be used safely if we are aware of and compensate for certain peculiarities.”
In summary, it depends on the oil, dilution, and amount used. Essential oils need to be properly diluted, whether they are being diffused or applied topically. Pets have millions more olfactory receptors than humans do, which does make them sensitive to strong smells, so proper dilution is important. Also, remember that for our dogs, cats, and small pets, the smaller they are, the more you want to dilute it.
Some essential oils to use extra caution with or keep away from your cats include eucalyptus oil, which can be toxic to cats when ingested, and spearmint and peppermint oil, which can cause some respiratory issues in some cats. Additionally, use extra caution with “hot oils, ” including cinnamon, clove, and oregano oils. Also, avoid tea tree oil, aka melaleuca, wintergreen, and birch oils, as with dogs.
When using essential oils around cats, it’s crucial to apply the same caution as you would with other pet care products like flea and tick repellents. Choose only high-quality, therapeutic-grade essential oils that have been thoroughly studied and proven safe for cats. The better the quality of the oil, the lower the risk of adverse effects.
Proper dilution is essential when using essential oils on cats. Overuse or applying undiluted oils can be harmful. Each essential oil has specific dilution ratios, so it’s important to follow these instructions closely. When diffusing oils, ensure your cat can leave the room if the scent becomes too strong, as trapping them in a concentrated environment can be overwhelming.
Tips for Applying Essential Oils to Pets
When applying essential oils topically, always dilute them and avoid applying directly to your cat’s skin. Instead, place the diluted oil on your hands and gently pet your cat, avoiding their head area. Given cats’ strong sense of smell, it’s best to use a minimal amount—think of it like setting the volume low on headphones to avoid sensory overload.
Always test a new essential oil on your cat by introducing a small, diluted amount and observing their reaction. If your cat avoids the scent or seems uncomfortable, it’s a clear sign that the oil may not be suitable for them. This careful approach helps ensure that the essential oils you use contribute to your cat’s well-being without causing stress or harm.
Sourcing Safe Essential Oils for Cats
Choosing the right formula or brand of essential oil for your cat can be tricky. Since terms like “therapeutic grade” can be meaningless (no one certifies these oils), knowing who you are purchasing your oils is most important.
There are veterinarians who specialize in this field, such as Dr. Janet Roark or Dr. Melissa Shelton, both of whom have done extensive research, testing, and analysis of essential oils and their use with animals, and can discern quality EOs from dangerous garbage.
Veterinarians like Dr. Roark and Dr. Shelton have high standards and understand how animals can metabolize oils differently. Most vets have no understanding of essential oils for animals whatsoever. If they do, it’s usually negative opinions based on anecdotal evidence or gross misuse cases.
Very few vets understand the complex nature of EOs and how they can be made differently. So try to choose a veterinarian-recommended oil since this usually means a vet has verified they are safe. If you are unsure, don’t buy it!
Also, if the oil smells “perfumy” in any way, it’s unlikely pure. If you get a headache smelling it – don’t buy it!
Pure lavender oil is frankly not the most pleasant smelling, so even if something smells one way, it does not guarantee its quality. Virtually all EOs recorded as harming a pet have been poor quality, perfume-grade oils that should never have been sold as “pure.” So be sure the essential oil you’re buying is from a source you can trust, not Amazon or an outlet store. Purity is crucial to safety when it comes to essential oils & cats, or any animal.
Since some EOs can be stimulating, use caution when dealing with epileptic cats, pregnant cats, and cats with metabolic diseases like kidney disease or IBD.
Consulting a veterinarian who is skilled in essential oils is a good idea if your cat has a medical condition you’re unsure about.
My Cat Got into Unsafe Oils; What Do I Do?
If your cat becomes exposed to EOs on a gross scale (bottle got dumped on them or something similar), do not use water to rinse it off! This goes for any scenario. This is because the water will spread the oil further since oil is hydrophobic.
If the oil is on your cat’s coat/skin, using another oil, like coconut oil, to dilute it is best. Shampoos can help break up the oil to rinse off the oil better. Get your cat into a fresh air environment to further dilute the potency in the air.
If your cat has ingested a large amount of essential oils, a trip to the vet is warranted to flush the essential oil out of their system.
Benefits of Essential Oils for Cats
As long as you are sourcing, diluting and administering responsibly, as mentioned above, cat safe essential oils can benefit your cat’s health greatly.
From helping to alleviate stress to managing thyroid issues or arthritis, EOs can be a great tool in your holistic toolbox.
Safely using essential oils for cats can:
Help alleviate stress and anxiety and support a more proper stress response
Help with car/travel sickness and stress
Alleviate arthritis
Aid digestion
Support kidney health
Calm allergy and skin issues
Reduce inflammation and pain
Repel fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and mites
Reduce, prevent, and fight infection
What Essential Oils Are Safe for Cats?
As any cat owner can attest, cats are an extraordinary species with specific needs and sensitivities. This also holds true for EOs, which cats are more sensitive to. However, despite the prevalent misinformation about the toxicity of essential oils in cats, it’s important to note that many essential oils can be safe for cats.
Some essential oils for cats that are considered safe when used properly include:
These are just a few of the many safe EOs for cats, but using them properly is key!
Is Lavender Safe for Cats?
Lavender is one of the most well-known calming essential oils and has been shown over many years to be perfectly safe for cats. It has been used for centuries for its beautiful aroma as well as it’s calming and relaxing properties. Lavender has benefits as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antitumoral, and a sedative. It’s been studied extensively in animals and it is safe to use on all species. Lavender can be applied topically, given internally, or diffused.
Lavender’s mood-lifting, anxiety-relieving, and sleep-inducing properties help calm terrified pets. It’s our choice in our CALM CBD oil for cats for this reason, along with its many benefits, and its long-term safety with animals. The lavender essential oil in cat CALM is diluted to a safe amount, where it is both therapeutic and free from causing any irritation or harm to your cat.
In the case of our CALM formula, the concentration is low and safe for ingestion. The lavender essential oil in cat CALM is effective and synergistic with our Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, making the FSHE work better at calming your nervous kitty.
Frankincense has been widely used with animals and has a very wide margin of safety, even in newborns and birthing animals. Frankincense promotes the well-being of the nervous system, immune system, and digestive tract. It possesses calming properties that can alleviate skin irritation, itchiness, or damage.
Moreover, it aids in relaxing and soothing sore muscles and joints, particularly beneficial for older animals. It is useful in countless conditions including arthritis, seizures, cancer, tumors, cysts, depression, behavioral issues, immune stimulation, autoimmune disease, and more. Frankincense can be applied topically, diffused, and or given internally.
Turmeric is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it a popular choice for cats and other pets struggling with conditions linked to inflammation. This includes arthritis, where turmeric may offer relief from joint discomfort and stiffness. Moreover, it can aid in maintaining normal digestive function and soothing upset stomachs, potentially alleviating symptoms like diarrhea or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Turmeric also supports gut health by assisting digestive enzymes. Incorporating turmeric into your pet’s routine, such as through our Ease CBD oil for cats, can provide daily support for digestive wellness.
Research has found that when turmeric and frankincense are paired together, the benefits of both were enhanced. The two work synergistically to produce an optimal effect against inflammation.
The theory behind this is that boswellic acid (frankincense) increases the bioavailability of curcumin. In a study published by BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, a clinical trial compared the efficacy of turmeric extract versus the turmeric/frankincense combination. The main symptoms studied involved joint pain, stiffness, and limitations to physical function. As little as 4 weeks following administration, the results were apparent. The combination of the two produced enhanced effects.
That’s why we chose this combination of essential oils in our EASE CBD oil for cats. As with all of our products, the amount of turmeric and frankincense in our Cat EASE is properly diluted, to be both safe and effective for easing inflammation, arthritis, allergies, and pain in cats.
Vanilla oil is a centuries-old ingredient used for many ailments and issues. Vanilla oil is packed full of antioxidants. Because of its antioxidants, vanilla has anti-cancer properties! Your pet’s skin will benefit from all those antioxidants absorbing into it and protecting its body’s largest organ from cellular damage and cancer while also smelling delicious.
Vanilla is also a powerful anti-inflammatory as well as a stress reliever. By reducing inflammation and easing the body’s stress response, vanilla packs a powerful punch. It can be applied topically, given internally (or licked off topical remedies), or diffused and inhaled. As with all EOs, common sense practices like proper sourcing, usage and dilution are important.
We chose vanilla oil for our Nourish Topical CBD for cats, both for it’s amazing health benefits and it’s great taste and smell. Nourish is packed with restorative ingredients like Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, Arnica, Hemp seed oil, coconut oil, and of course, vanilla oil!
It’s great for moisturizing and calming dry, cracked skin like elbows, paws, and noses. It has a rich, calming vanilla scent that relaxes and nourishes the senses.
Yes, Ginger oil for cats is an excellent topical remedy for many skin conditions. It improves skin health by reducing inflammation and soothing irritation. Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antiemetic (anti-nausea), antioxidant, anti-microbial, immune boosting, cancer-fighting, and decongestant properties, to name a few. As all EOs for cats, proper sourcing, dilution and administration is critical.
Our Soothe Topical CBD for cats is formulated with ginger oil, and is always a customer favorite, due to its abundant therapeutic properties. Our cat SOOTHE can be used just about anywhere, even on suture sites and wounds.
When it comes to using essential oils around your feline friends, there are many questions and concerns about safety and effectiveness. Below, we’ve compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about EOs & cats to help you navigate the safe use of essential oils for cats.
What is the safest essential oil to use around cats?
Lavender is one of the safest essential oils to use around cats. It has been extensively studied and is known for its calming and relaxing properties. Lavender can be applied topically, given internally, or diffused, and it has a wide margin of safety when used properly. Its benefits include acting as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and sedative, making it a versatile and safe choice for feline companions.
Can you diffuse essential oils with cats in the house?
Yes, you can diffuse essential oils with cats in the house, but it’s important to do so with caution. Always use a high-quality, therapeutic-grade essential oil, and ensure the room is well-ventilated. Additionally, provide your cat with the option to leave the room if they find the scent overwhelming. Proper dilution is key, as cats have a much stronger sense of smell than humans. Undiluted or strong concentrations of essential oils will be too intense for them.
What oils are good for calming cats?
Lavender oil is highly effective for calming cats, thanks to its mood-lifting and anxiety-relieving properties. It’s widely used to help soothe and relax nervous cats, making it an excellent choice for stress relief. Additionally, frankincense oil is another good option for calming cats. Frankincense supports the well-being of the nervous system and can help alleviate stress and anxiety, as well as inflammation.
Are there essential oils that are toxic to cats?
Yes, certain essential oils can be toxic to cats, particularly when ingested or used improperly. Oils like eucalyptus, spearmint, peppermint, and “hot oils” such as cinnamon, clove, and oregano should be used with extreme caution or avoided altogether. These oils can cause respiratory issues or other adverse reactions in cats, especially if they are not properly diluted.
How should essential oils be diluted for use with cats?
Essential oils should always be diluted before use with cats. The exact dilution ratio depends on the specific oil and its intended use. As a general rule, a very small amount of essential oil should be mixed with a carrier oil to ensure it is safe. For topical application, it’s best to apply the diluted oil to your hands first, then gently pet your cat away from their head. This allows them to benefit from the oil without being overwhelmed.
Is it safe to use essential oils on cats with health conditions?
Caution is advised when using essential oils on cats with health conditions such as epilepsy, metabolic diseases, or when they are pregnant. Consulting with a holistic veterinarian experienced in essential oils is highly recommended if your cat has any underlying medical conditions. This ensures that the oils are used safely and effectively, tailored to your cat’s specific needs.
Holistic Support for Cats with Natural Oils
Cats are unique creatures that have special needs. Keeping those needs and unique traits in mind, essential oils can be safely used with cats. As long as they are a quality product and used correctly with proper dilutions. The bottom line is essential oils are a form of medicine. As with any form of medicine, being careful is the name of the game.
Just as we properly dose drugs for each species, the same should be done with EOs. They are meant to be used carefully and correctly, not haphazardly.
Our CBD oil for cats, and topical CBD for cats are formulated with FSHE and safe essential oils for cats. Our cat products with natural oils are all formulated to be both safe and effective for cats.
For our topical products for cats, our NOURISH and SOOTHE salves are suited toward cat skin issues of all kinds. As all of our products, they are appropriately diluted to ensure safety, even if ingested from self-grooming. We formulate all of our salves to accommodate use liberally, so they are diluted to a very safe ratio and can be used as directed with no concern. Your cat can safely groom themselves, ingest the product, and show no signs of harm or irritation.