CBD for Dogs Reviews: Pain

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When your dogs experience pain, do you have the proper tools on hand to manage it safely and effectively? If you have access to a high quality Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (FSHE), then the answer is an overwhelming YES! 

Strategies used to manage pain and inflammation in conventional veterinary medicine are typically pretty narrow in scope. They overwhelmingly turn to one tool: pharmaceuticals. Not only do these drugs fail to get to the root of the issue, simply masking the symptoms, they also can cause a host of side effects including liver and kidney damage, GI upset, and neurological impairments.

There has got to be a better option, right? YES! Enter Full Spectrum Hemp Extract; one of the most powerful, effective, and safest tools available for managing all types of pain and inflammation! By activating and utilizing the endocannabinoid system, FSHE works to relieve and reduce inflammation and pain naturally, without harmful long term effects.

Want to learn more about holistic alternatives to pharmaceuticals? Sign up for the Holistic Dog Health Masterclass Series to learn from a panel of functional veterinarians and pet health experts on how holistic medicine not only helps, but also does no harm. Or browse our Plant & Mushroom for Pets Guide

We could talk all day about the amazing benefits of holistic medicine for dogs with arthritis, aches, pains, and inflammation, but let’s hear what our real-life customers have to say about using CBD Dog Health products to manage their pets’ pain!

EASE Tincture for Dogs with Arthritis

Arthritis is probably the most common age-related ailment we see in our pets. Using FSHE in the form of our EASE tincture for dogs with arthritis is incredibly beneficial and safe. With the added benefit of frankincense and turmeric this tincture has a broad range of therapeutic potentials. Full spectrum hemp extract with naturally occurring CBD works synergistically with these two herbs to achieve a powerful pain and inflammation relieving effects for dogs with arthritis

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For those of us with multiple pets, it usually happens that once you see the benefit in one pet, you can’t help but want to use it with all of them…

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EASE Tincture for Hip Dysplasia & Joint Pain

Arthritis is just one of many joint related issues our pets experience. Congenital issues like hip dysplasia can also benefit greatly from Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, like EASE for Dogs, or even our EASE for horses tincture for pets who need more potent relief of pain and inflammation. The quality of life it can provide makes everyone happier. With chronic issues like hip disease, managing pain and inflammation is life-long.

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CBD for dog pain review for cbd oil for arthritis hip dysplasia


EASE Tincture for IVDD

Another painful issue some dogs face is IVDD, or Intervertebral Disc Disease. IVDD can be due to genetic issues or injuries. IVDD is usually quite painful, and managing it can be exhausting. When traditional medicine is used, it is usually at large doses with heavy side effects being experienced. Using FSHE not only better manages this chronic pain and inflammation, but also helps the body achieve better balance overall:

CBD for dog pain review for cbd oil for dogs ivdd


EASE & HEAL Tinctures for Potent Pain Relief

Maybe your dog has multiple painful issues they are experiencing. Using Full Spectrum Hemp Extract like EASE tackle all these issues at once, and on days where they are having a tougher time, using our HEAL tincture for more potency is completely safe!

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HEAL Tincture for Senior Pets

Senior pets often experience painful joints as well as weakness due to various neurological factors. Several traditional pharmacological options would usually be given, leading to numerous side effects. Many NSAIDs are notorious for damaging the gut lining and causing ulcers. Not only is CBD a neuroprotectant, pain reliever, and anti-inflammatory,  but it also can help alleviate gastric inflammation!

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HEAL Tincture for Post Surgery Pain

Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD Oil is amazing recovery tool for so many reasons. If your dog has recently had orthopedic surgery, FSHE is your go-to! Not only does it cover the basics: pain and inflammation reduction, but it also helps the body balance during times of stress like post operative periods. Reducing the anxiety, discomfort, and pain is something you simply cannot find with a single drug in the pharmaceutical world! And, Full Spectrum Hemp is totally safe (and even beneficial) for your dog’s liver, which is great to support their detoxification process after being under anesthesia!

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CBD Oil for Your Dog’s Pain

Full Spectrum Hemp, has a wide range of benefits four us and our pets. When it comes to pain and inflammation, our pets often suffer in silence, with only slight behavioral changes being a cue to something being wrong. They deserve relief that helps relieve their symptoms while also benefiting their body as a whole. Traditional pharmaceutical medicines cannot say the same. Tackling pain and inflammation can be stressful for both you and your pet, but with the right tools, relief is possible for your pet. 

Feeding a fresh, whole food diet, along with probiotics, antioxidants, and other supplements can make a huge difference for your pet. Even if you feel like you’ve tried everything, or even have tried CBD to no avail, give it another try and use the brand thousands of pet owners and veterinary professionals recommend: CBD Dog Health! Check out our Guide to CBD for Pet Parents, if you’re not sure where to start!