The Benefits of Combining Turmeric & Frankincense

Turmeric & Frankincense

Plant-based remedies have been utilized for centuries to aid with all types of inflammatory conditions. Two ancient remedies are among the most commonly discussed; turmeric and frankincense, both of which are included in our EASE tincture.

A study published in Natural Medicine Journal examined these two botanical remedies for their application in inflammation-related ailments. Before we dive deeper into the inflammation world, it’s critical to first understand what inflammation is and what can happen when inflammation becomes a chronic issue.

What is Inflammation? 

Acute inflammation, per Natural Medicine Journal, is “a part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. It is a protective attempt by the organism to remove the injurious stimuli and to initiate the healing process. Thus, inflammation is required for the healing of wounds and infection.”

When acute inflammation is noticed by the body, the local vascular system, immune system, and other systems with inflamed tissue begin a ‘war’ of sorts in the body. Chronic inflammation will lead to differences in the types of cells with the goal of healing the affected tissue. Chronic, persistent inflammation can result in further damage. It’s important to reduce and/or eliminate the symptoms of inflammation for comfort and well-being; and, to prevent disease associated with chronic inflammation. 



Turmeric is a dried rootstalk from the herb Curcuma longa. You’ll most commonly see this herb utilized in Asian cultures, but its power is beginning to be noticed in western culture as well. Turmeric has been applied to aid in the healing of wounds, inflammation, and tumors, in a medical sense. Turmeric has also been applied for other properties including antioxidant, anticancer, antitumor, hepatoprotective, and antibacterial properties.


Frankincense is a resin-based extract from Boswellia plants native to India. Like turmeric, the medicinal applications of frankincense have been known for centuries, but are only recently becoming a part of western culture. Frankincense is known for its anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and anti-anxiety properties.

According to Natural Medicine Journal, researchers developed a study regarding pain and frankincense. The research found frankincense significantly reduced pain and improved physical function in patients with osteoarthritis. The same study also found frankincense to be medically helpful with Crohn’s Disease, asthma, depressed immune system, and colitis. 

Paired Together

Research has found that when turmeric and frankincense are paired together, the benefits of both were enhanced. The two work synergistically to produce an optimal effect against inflammation. The theory behind this is that boswellic acid (frankincense) increases the bioavailability of curcumin. In a study published by BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, a clinical trial compared the efficacy of turmeric extract versus the turmeric/frankincense combination. The main symptoms studied involved joint pain, stiffness, and limitations to physical function. 

As little as 4 weeks following administration, the results were apparent. The combination of the two produced enhanced effects. After 3 months of continuous application, there was a significant increase in physical function. Of 201 patients, only 13 experienced side effects of nausea, stomach pain, and reflux indicating side effects showing in only 6% of patients (in this study). 

benefits of frankincense and turmeric for dogs cats pets combining frankincense and turmeric for inflammation in dogs

CBD and Inflammation

A full-spectrum product can be incredibly effective with inflammatory conditions. A full-spectrum product is one where all the cannabinoids and terpenes that can possibly be present are readily available. There are thousands of cannabinoids and terpenes in each cannabis plant, and it’s impossible to preserve every single one, but full-spectrum products do not purposely eliminate any terpenes or cannabinoids, and rather do their best to preserve as many as possible. Having all the terpenes and cannabinoids present is critical to the success of the CBD tincture.

Terpenes and cannabinoids work synergistically to maximize effectiveness by enhancing one another. This effect is known as the entourage effect. The entourage effect is what makes therapeutic results possible from a CBD tincture.

Compounds found in cannabis that reduce inflammation are abundant and diverse. The most abundant phytocannabinoids in cannabis, THC and CBD, are both known to possess strong anti-inflammatory properties. Other cannabinoids, including CBC, CBG, and THCV have also demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties. Cannabinoids act as anti-inflammatory agents by inducing apoptosis, inhibiting cell proliferation, suppressing cytokine production, and inducing T regulatory cells (Klein et al. 2000).

One study, published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, studied the role of cannabinoid receptors in inflammation-induced demyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. Cannabinoids are well-known immunomodulatory molecules that act through CB1 and CB2 receptors.

A Baylor College of Medicine study, using In vitro and in mouse models, found that CBD significantly attenuated the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α while elevating levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10. In the veterinary study, CBD significantly decreased pain and increased mobility in a dose-dependent fashion among animals with an affirmative diagnosis of OA.

Related: CBD for Inflammation

Final Thoughts

Frankincense and turmeric, when paired together in a CBD tincture, can have a heavy impact on inflammatory conditions. With a full-spectrum CBD product, turmeric, and frankincense combined, the body is better equipped to handle inflammation and therefore increase our dog’s quality of life. That’s why our EASE tincture is heavily recommended for dogs experiencing joint pain, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.