How to keep dogs safe from dangerous Easter goodies

How To Keep Your Dog Safe This Easter

With Easter just around the corner, you might be stocking up on your family’s favorite spring goodies. Peeps, chocolate bunnies, and Cadbury eggs may one of your favorite parts about the holiday.

But, once the Easter bunny hops away and leaves a trail of chocolate, your dog may find themselves tempted with easy access to dangerous foods. As every pet parent knows, no matter how well you plan and how much you focus on prevention, there is always at least one pet who finds a way to get into the exact thing that you are trying to keep from them.

Which Easter goodies are bad for pets?

It might seem obvious, but most Easter candies are not safe for dogs. In fact, there are even some Easter decorations to be wary of. Your dog should stay away from:


  • Chocolate of any kind. This may seem obvious, but dogs should not consume while, milk, or dark chocolate. This includes Cadbury eggs, small foil wrapped eggs (which you might have hidden around the yard for the kids to find), or chocolate bunnies.
  • Plastic Easter grass. This decorative grass can cause intestinal blockages and can be extremely painful for your pet to pass.
  • Plastic Easter eggs. They look like ball-shaped toys, so naturally, dogs love to tear them apart. But ingesting plastic is never good.
  • Food coloring. While most egg dies are safe, some contain carcinogens that can be dangerous to people and pets alike. Always make sure your dyes are non-toxic.
  • Any candy containing Xylitol. This artificial sweetener is toxic to dogs and cats alike.
  • These spring-time flowers are toxic to cats and dogs and can cause tremors, anorexia, depression, and upset stomach.
  • While Peeps certainly won’t kill your dog, they will cause an upset stomach.

What to do if your pet gets into dangerous treats

If your pet happens to find a way into forbidden treats, do not panic. There are a few things you can do to keep them safe.

  • Observe your pet for signs of poisoning. If they appear to be panting, restless, pacing, urinating frequently, vomiting, experiencing diarrhea, have an elevated heart rate, or are having seizures, call your vet immediately.
  • Call the Pet Poison Helpline (855-213-6680) for advice and monitor your pet.
  • Make sure to put away any leftover candy or items that may still be out so that your other pets do not follow suit.
  • Administer CBD oil to reduce inflammation and keep anxious pets calm. We recommend CBD Dog Health’s CALM Full Spectrum Hemp CBD tincture.

How to prevent pets from getting into Easter goodies

The best way to keep your pet safe is to prevent issues before they arise. If you are planning to hide Easter eggs, keep your dogs and cats away from the area until you are sure that every egg is found (ESPECIALLY hollow plastic eggs filled with candy).

You can also use shredded paper in place of plastic Easter grass, which not only keeps your pets safer but is a better option for the environment. You should also be sure to throw away any foil wrappers that dogs or cats might be tempted to play with or eat.

After the Easter festivities are over, get down on the ground to your pets’ eye level and make sure that anything dangerous, like forgotten plastic eggs or stray bits of plastic grass, have been picked up. I think everyone has dropped a small chocolate egg or two under the couch at some point in their lives and without a doubt, your dog will always try to find it.

With a little preparation, you and your pets will have a fantastic holiday.

To learn more about keeping pets safe during the holidays, visit or

About Angela Ardolino

Angela Ardolino Schnauzer Odie

Angela Ardolino is a holistic pet expert who has been caring for animals for over 20 years and operates a rescue farm, Fire Flake Farm, in Florida. She is also the owner of  Beautify the Beast a natural pet salon and shop. After getting her certificate in Medical Hemp Biology and Therapeutic use from the University of Vermont School of Medicine, she founded CBD Dog Health to provide high quality, all-natural medical hemp products designed specifically for pets. Angela has seven dogs, Odie a 12-year-old mini-schnauzer, Nina an 8-year-old Doberman. Jolene a 7-year-old mutt, Maza a 7-year-old mutt, Rhemi an 8-year-old poodle, Potato a 15-year-old shih-tzu, and Miss Daisie a 15-year-old black lab, plus 4-10 more at any time she is fostering or boarding. She uses Full Spectrum Hemp Extract on all her pets at her rescue farm every day, and has since 2016. She is a member of the Society of hemp Clinicians, the Veterinary Hemp Association and has trained hundreds of medical doctors and veterinarians about the therapeutic uses of medical hemp on animals. Visit for more information.